حل كتاب الطالب الإنجليزي We Can 2 الفصل الدراسي الاول 1444هـ

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حل كتاب الطالب الإنجليزي We Can 2 الفصل الدراسي الاول العام الدراسي 1444هـ

    Fun time

?Amina: F is the seventh letter of the alphabet

Ruba: No, it's the sixth letter, G is the seventh letter

Try and trick your partner

first                     sixth

second               seventh

third                  eighth

fourth                 ninth

fifth                 tenth


 chant the If You’re Happy and You Know -

It chant with a partner

play the Confusion Game with a partner -

  "and say “sixth, seventh, eighth


listen and point to the right pictures and word -

say, read, and write the sounds for a, apple; a, cape; i, pin; i, pine by myself -


Love your friend as you love yourself


Grammar Toolbox

It’s my hat. —> It’s mine

It’s not my hat. —> It’s not mine

Rhythms and Listening

Chant and clap the rhythm

Green, green, green, green

?Who is wearing green today

Green, green, green, green

?Who is wearing green

I am wearing green today

Look at me

And you will see

That I am wearing green today

Sounds and Letters

Listen, point, and say. Then write the missing letters

green - grass

!The ,grass is green. It’s great

Grammar Toolbox

Who’s = Who is


 .chant the Who is Wearing Green? chant

 .say three colors that I’m wearing today

Words in Action

a cap


a T-shirt

a jacket


a hat

a blouse

a sweater

a skirt



 say the names of five things that you can wear

"name two things I am wearing, saying "I’m wearing and today


Listen , Read, and say

P and B Jingles

P says p, p, parrot
says P. P. pen

says p, p, panda

B says b, b, bear
says b, b, banana

says b, b, bed


 tell if the words start with p or b

say two words that begin with p and two words that begin with b


Things we do

Listen, say, and match. Then write the missing letters

I like the elephant photo

Fun Time

Telephone Conversation

.Act out a telephone conversation. Call a friend and ask what he or she is doing

?Hello. Can I speak to Samir


?It’s Adel. What are you doing

 Hi, Adel, I‘m eating snacks

!Lucky you


act out the telephone talks with a partner

have a telephone conversation in English

Rhythms and Listening

Listen and chant

?What Are You Doing

What are you doing

I’m doing karate, doing karate

doing karate

What are you doing

I’m doing karate

and how about you

What are you doing

I’m playing football, playing football

playing football

What are you doing

I’m playing football

and how about you


chant the What Are You Doing? chant

play the True or False Action Game with a friend

Words in Action

Listen, point, and say

doing my homework

watching TV

eating snacks

doing karate

playing football

playing computer games

Listen, point, and say. Then read and circle.

gring        ring       rink

wink        giwn      wing

speak      speaking    peaking

Grammar Toolbox

I’m playing football. —> sports with a ball

I'm doing karate. -> sports without a ball


play the Card Snap Game with friends

?say two things when asked What are you doing


Listen , Read, and say

T and D Jingles

T says t, t, tiger

says t, t, tomato

says t, t, telephone

D says d, d, door

says d, d, doll

says d, d, duck


tell if the words start with t or d

say two words that begin with t or d, and describe things

Advice Time

Do what's right


Beautiful Nature

Sounds and Letters

Listen, point, and say. Then write sn or sh

snake - shake - snow - show

Show me the snake

Talk Time

Listen and point

Look! It is a snake

It is short

Look! It is a bat

It is beautiful

No, it is ugly

No, it is long

Practice and act out the talks in pairs

Sound and letters

Listen, point, and say. Then write sn or sh

Snake – shake – snow – show

Show me the snake!

Fun Time

!Find something Beautiful

Look around and find a beautiful or an ugly object

Look! It’s a bat

It’s ugly

Find something that is beautiful or ugly

I Look at the beautiful flower.

I can

act out one of the talks about nature.

find something beautiful or ugly and say

(Look! It’s a ...! It’s beautiful or ugly)

Rhythms and Listening

Chant and march

I Love the Mountains

I love the mountains, I love the rolling hills,

I love the flowers, I love the daffodils,

I love the campfire when all the stars are out.

I sit and look, I look and smile,

I’m happy to be under this sky

Sounds and Letters

Listen, say, and number. Then read.

Mountains – cats – faces – ducks – flowers 

Dresses – hills – snakes – noses

Fun Time

Months and Seasons Chant

Listen and match. Then chant and do.

Back to school, it’s fall..

September, October, November

Getting cooler, winter's here

December, January, February

Flowers are out, it is spring

March, April, May.

Yummy, summer‘s here.

June, July, August, ,

, And back again. 

I Can

chant the I Love the Mountains chant.

name seasons and months.

Words in Action

 Listen, point, and say.

Long – short – big – small 

Quiet – noisy – weak – strong

Shout the opposites in two groups.

Practice the actions in pairs

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